

PC Arbeit : Changed the IMs, the Input Methods, from ports/japanese/kinput2 to ports/textproc/uim and ports/japanese/uim-canna.

They work fine but the status bar for uim is unavailble as kinput2, appearing its bar when turned on and disappears when turned off, and it's disturbing that it's appearing even in typing alphabets only.

1. Change preferences manually or with GUI.

a. Change manually. ~/.uim.d/customs/custom-global.scm

(define bridge-show-input-state? #f)

b. Change with GUI.

% uim-pref-gtk

[Global settings] -> Clear check box of [Show input mode nearby cusor] in [Visual preference]

2. Run uim-toolbar-gtk. As setting 1 only, the status bar always disappears on any status, and I cannot see whether alphabets or Kana comes out until I type.

Threfore run uim-toolbar-gtk, showing alway uim's status like the MS-IME's toolbar, and I can check its status.


XMODIFIERS=@im=uim-xim; export XMODIFIERS
uim-xim &
uim-toolbar-gtk +0+1025 &

uim-toolbar-gtk does not have -geometry option but accepts where to be placed as the above.

I like the kinput2 style.

$@!|(Bports/mail/mew-emacs23-6.3_2 II

PC Arbeit :


$@!_(B mew $@$r(B X Window System $@>e$GD>@\5/F0$7!"%a%C%;!<%8$rI=<($5$;$?:]!"(B
$@!{(B mew $@$r(B X Window System $@>e$GD>@\5/F0$7$?(B emacs$@>e(B $@$G!"%a%C%;!<%8$rI=<($5$;$?:]!"(B

emacs -nw $@$G$J$/$F!"(Bemacs & $@$N$H$-!#(B


PC Arbeit : anti alias $@%U%)%s%H$O$H$F$b8+$d$9$$$G$9!#(B make $@$9$k$H!"4JC1$KI=<($,$D$^$j$^$9$1$I!"$I$&$;8+$F$J$$$N$G$$$$$G$9!#(B $@$d!">/$7$O8+$J$$$H$$$1$^$;$s$1$I!#(B

$@!|(Buim II

PC Arbeit : uim-toolbar-gtk $@$O!"(Bscreen $@$N(B hardstatus line $@$KF~$C$F$/$l$J$$$G$7$g$&$+!#(B

$@!|(BChaned locales from ja_JP.eucJP to ja_JP.UTF-8 with ports/x11/rxvt-unicode II

PC Arbeit :

It's required for changing ~/.emacs in order to handle encodings of buffers and files.

Changed preferences for UTF-8 in ~/.emacs.

(set-language-environment "Japanese")
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
(setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)

Cf. http://0xcc.net/blog/archives/000041.html http://www.yza.jp/blog/item/422

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