このへん選んでインストール。 customのteTeXからいくつかの言語を抜いた。
=============================================================================== Select collections: a [X] Essential programs and files w [ ] Italian b [ ] BibTeX additional styles x [X] Japanese c [ ] TeX auxiliary programs y [ ] Korean d [X] ConTeXt and packages z [X] Other languages e [ ] Additional fonts A [ ] Polish f [X] Recommended fonts B [ ] Portuguese g [X] Graphics and font utilities C [ ] Spanish h [X] Additional formats D [X] LaTeX fundamental packages i [ ] Games typesetting E [X] LaTeX additional packages j [ ] Humanities packages F [X] LaTeX recommended packages k [ ] Arabic G [X] LuaTeX packages l [ ] Chinese H [X] MetaPost and Metafont packages m [X] Chinese/Japanese/Korean (base) I [ ] Music packages n [ ] Cyrillic J [X] Graphics, pictures, diagrams o [ ] Czech/Slovak K [X] Plain (La)TeX packages p [X] US and UK English L [X] PSTricks s [ ] Other European languages M [ ] Publisher styles, theses, etc. t [ ] French N [ ] Windows-only support programs u [ ] German O [X] XeTeX and packages v [ ] Greek P [X] Mathematics and science packages S [ ] TeXworks editor; TL includes only the Windows binary