NetBSD/amd64 64コアOpteronサーバ降臨

SYSTEM WORKSからのオカイモノ第2段(第1段はココ NetBSD/amd64 24スレッドXeonサーバ降臨)。

密かにやっぱりXeonは「スレッド」なので、12コアくらいな感じであった。 NetBSD/amd64 Xen_domU で動かしているのだが、ロードアベレージがホイホイ上がる。 10人くらいログインしてgimp2起動すると厳しいのだなあ。AMD-FX のほうがましだった気がする……てことで今度はAMD選んでみた。

AMD Opteron Processor 6380×4(64コア) + 主記憶256GB

なサーバーがやってきた。 POWER MASTER Server S9183 というタイプでこれをCPUいっぱい メモリnonECCでいっぱいでコンパクトカーくらいのお値段だった。おちーぷ。 はい、dmesg。

Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
    2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
    The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 7.0_STABLE (GENERIC) #0: Wed Aug 31 13:39:37 JST 2016
total memory = 255 GB
avail memory = 248 GB
timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
timecounter: Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 100
Supermicro H8QG6 (1234567890)
mainbus0 (root)
ACPI: RSDP 0xfacf0 000024 (v02 ACPIAM)
ACPI: XSDT 0xd7e70100 000084 (v01 SMCI            20160325 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: FACP 0xd7e70290 0000F4 (v03 032516 FACP1044 20160325 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI BIOS Warning (bug): 32/64X length mismatch in FADT/Gpe0Block: 64/32 (20131218/tbfadt-634)
ACPI: DSDT 0xd7e707c0 00669C (v01  0AB11 0AB11009 00000009 INTL 20051117)
ACPI: FACS 0xd7e94000 000040
ACPI: APIC 0xd7e70390 000270 (v01 032516 APIC1044 20160325 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: MCFG 0xd7e70600 00003C (v01 032516 OEMMCFG  20160325 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: OEMB 0xd7e94040 0000CB (v01 032516 OEMB1044 20160325 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: HPET 0xd7e7a7c0 000038 (v01 032516 OEMHPET  20160325 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: SRAT 0xd7e7a800 0005C0 (v02 AMD    AGESA    00000001 AMD  00000001)
ACPI: SLIT 0xd7e7adc0 00006C (v01 AMD    AGESA    00000001 AMD  00000001)
ACPI: SSDT 0xd7e7ae30 00B7A4 (v01 A M I  POWERNOW 00000001 AMD  00000001)
ACPI: EINJ 0xd7e865e0 000130 (v01  AMIER AMI_EINJ 20160325 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: BERT 0xd7e86770 000030 (v01  AMIER AMI_BERT 20160325 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: ERST 0xd7e867a0 000210 (v01  AMIER AMI_ERST 20160325 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: HEST 0xd7e869b0 0000A8 (v01  AMIER ABC_HEST 20160325 MSFT 00000097)
ACPI: All ACPI Tables successfully acquired
ioapic0 at mainbus0 apid 0: pa 0xfec00000, version 0x21, 24 pins
ioapic1 at mainbus0 apid 1: pa 0xfec20000, version 0x21, 32 pins
cpu0 at mainbus0 apid 32: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu1 at mainbus0 apid 33: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu2 at mainbus0 apid 34: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu3 at mainbus0 apid 35: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu4 at mainbus0 apid 36: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu5 at mainbus0 apid 37: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu6 at mainbus0 apid 38: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu7 at mainbus0 apid 39: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu8 at mainbus0 apid 40: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu9 at mainbus0 apid 41: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu10 at mainbus0 apid 42: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu11 at mainbus0 apid 43: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu12 at mainbus0 apid 44: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu13 at mainbus0 apid 45: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu14 at mainbus0 apid 46: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu15 at mainbus0 apid 47: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu16 at mainbus0 apid 64: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu17 at mainbus0 apid 65: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu18 at mainbus0 apid 66: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu19 at mainbus0 apid 67: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu20 at mainbus0 apid 68: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu21 at mainbus0 apid 69: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu22 at mainbus0 apid 70: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu23 at mainbus0 apid 71: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu24 at mainbus0 apid 72: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu25 at mainbus0 apid 73: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu26 at mainbus0 apid 74: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu27 at mainbus0 apid 75: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu28 at mainbus0 apid 76: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu29 at mainbus0 apid 77: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu30 at mainbus0 apid 78: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu31 at mainbus0 apid 79: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu32 at mainbus0 apid 96: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu33 at mainbus0 apid 97: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu34 at mainbus0 apid 98: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu35 at mainbus0 apid 99: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu36 at mainbus0 apid 100: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu37 at mainbus0 apid 101: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu38 at mainbus0 apid 102: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu39 at mainbus0 apid 103: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu40 at mainbus0 apid 104: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu41 at mainbus0 apid 105: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu42 at mainbus0 apid 106: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu43 at mainbus0 apid 107: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu44 at mainbus0 apid 108: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu45 at mainbus0 apid 109: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu46 at mainbus0 apid 110: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu47 at mainbus0 apid 111: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu48 at mainbus0 apid 128: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu49 at mainbus0 apid 129: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu50 at mainbus0 apid 130: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu51 at mainbus0 apid 131: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu52 at mainbus0 apid 132: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu53 at mainbus0 apid 133: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu54 at mainbus0 apid 134: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu55 at mainbus0 apid 135: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu56 at mainbus0 apid 136: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu57 at mainbus0 apid 137: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu58 at mainbus0 apid 138: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu59 at mainbus0 apid 139: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu60 at mainbus0 apid 140: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu61 at mainbus0 apid 141: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu62 at mainbus0 apid 142: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
cpu63 at mainbus0 apid 143: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6380                 , id 0x600f20
acpi0 at mainbus0: Intel ACPICA 20131218
acpi0: X/RSDT: OemId <SMCI  ,        ,20160325>, AslId <MSFT,00000097>
acpi0: SCI interrupting at int 9
timecounter: Timecounter "ACPI-Safe" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 900
hpet0 at acpi0: high precision event timer (mem 0xfed00000-0xfed00400)
timecounter: Timecounter "hpet0" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 2000
NMEM (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
UMEM (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
attimer1 at acpi0 (TMR, PNP0100): io 0x40-0x43 irq 0
pcppi1 at acpi0 (SPKR, PNP0800): io 0x61
midi0 at pcppi1: PC speaker
sysbeep0 at pcppi1
UAR1 (PNP0501) at acpi0 not configured
UAR2 (PNP0501) at acpi0 not configured
UAR3 (PNP0501) at acpi0 not configured
pckbc1 at acpi0 (PS2K, PNP0303) (kbd port): io 0x60,0x64 irq 1
pckbc2 at acpi0 (PS2M, PNP0F03) (aux port): irq 12
SIOR (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
SIO2 (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
OMSC (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
RMSC (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
IPMI (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
PCIE (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
RMEM (PNP0C01) at acpi0 not configured
NMEM (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
UMEM (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
acpibut0 at acpi0 (PWRB, PNP0C0C-170): ACPI Power Button
ACPI Exception: AE_NOT_FOUND, While evaluating Sleep State [\_S2_] (20131218/hwxface-646)
ACPI Exception: AE_NOT_FOUND, While evaluating Sleep State [\_S3_] (20131218/hwxface-646)
attimer1: attached to pcppi1
pckbd0 at pckbc1 (kbd slot)
pckbc1: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard
pms0 at pckbc1 (aux slot)
pckbc1: using irq 12 for aux slot
wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0
ipmi0 at mainbus0
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1
pci0: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, rd/mult, wr/inv ok
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0: vendor 0x1002 product 0x5a10 (rev. 0x02)
ppb0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0: vendor 0x1002 product 0x5a16 (rev. 0x00)
ppb0: PCI Express capability version 2 <Root Port of PCI-E Root Complex> x16 @ 5.0GT/s
ppb0: link is x4 @ 2.5GT/s
pci1 at ppb0 bus 3
pci1: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, wr/inv ok
ppb1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0: vendor 0x111d product 0x8018 (rev. 0x0c)
ppb1: PCI Express capability version 1 <Upstream Port of PCI-E Switch>
pci2 at ppb1 bus 4
pci2: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, wr/inv ok
ppb2 at pci2 dev 2 function 0: vendor 0x111d product 0x8018 (rev. 0x0c)
ppb2: PCI Express capability version 1 <Downstream Port of PCI-E Switch> x4 @ 2.5GT/s
pci3 at ppb2 bus 6
pci3: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, wr/inv ok
wm0 at pci3 dev 0 function 0: 82576 Gigabit ET2 Quad Port Server Adapter (rev. 0x01)
wm0: interrupting at ioapic1 pin 2
wm0: PCI-Express bus
wm0: 8192 words (16 address bits) SPI EEPROM, version 1.21, Image Unique ID 61830001
wm0: Ethernet address 90:e2:ba:c8:92:78
wm0: Copper
igphy0 at wm0 phy 1: i82566 10/100/1000 media interface, rev. 1
igphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
wm1 at pci3 dev 0 function 1: 82576 Gigabit ET2 Quad Port Server Adapter (rev. 0x01)
wm1: interrupting at ioapic1 pin 3
wm1: PCI-Express bus
wm1: 8192 words (16 address bits) SPI EEPROM, version 1.21, Image Unique ID 61830001
wm1: Ethernet address 90:e2:ba:c8:92:79
wm1: Copper
igphy1 at wm1 phy 1: i82566 10/100/1000 media interface, rev. 1
igphy1: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
ppb3 at pci2 dev 4 function 0: vendor 0x111d product 0x8018 (rev. 0x0c)
ppb3: PCI Express capability version 1 <Downstream Port of PCI-E Switch> x4 @ 2.5GT/s
pci4 at ppb3 bus 5
pci4: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, wr/inv ok
wm2 at pci4 dev 0 function 0: 82576 Gigabit ET2 Quad Port Server Adapter (rev. 0x01)
wm2: interrupting at ioapic1 pin 0
wm2: PCI-Express bus
wm2: 8192 words (16 address bits) SPI EEPROM, version 1.21, Image Unique ID 61830001
wm2: Ethernet address 90:e2:ba:c8:92:7a
wm2: Copper
igphy2 at wm2 phy 1: i82566 10/100/1000 media interface, rev. 1
igphy2: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
wm3 at pci4 dev 0 function 1: 82576 Gigabit ET2 Quad Port Server Adapter (rev. 0x01)
wm3: interrupting at ioapic1 pin 1
wm3: PCI-Express bus
wm3: 8192 words (16 address bits) SPI EEPROM, version 1.21, Image Unique ID 61830001
wm3: Ethernet address 90:e2:ba:c8:92:7b
wm3: Copper
igphy3 at wm3 phy 1: i82566 10/100/1000 media interface, rev. 1
igphy3: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
ppb4 at pci0 dev 13 function 0: vendor 0x1002 product 0x5a1e (rev. 0x00)
ppb4: PCI Express capability version 2 <Root Port of PCI-E Root Complex> x4 @ 5.0GT/s
ppb4: link is x4 @ 2.5GT/s
pci5 at ppb4 bus 2
pci5: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, wr/inv ok
wm4 at pci5 dev 0 function 0: 82576 1000BaseT Ethernet (rev. 0x01)
wm4: interrupting at ioapic1 pin 16
wm4: PCI-Express bus
wm4: 16384 words (16 address bits) SPI EEPROM, version 1.43, Image Unique ID e6060000
wm4: Ethernet address 00:25:90:5d:64:a4
wm4: Copper
igphy4 at wm4 phy 1: i82566 10/100/1000 media interface, rev. 1
igphy4: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
wm5 at pci5 dev 0 function 1: 82576 1000BaseT Ethernet (rev. 0x01)
wm5: interrupting at ioapic1 pin 17
wm5: PCI-Express bus
wm5: 16384 words (16 address bits) SPI EEPROM, version 1.43, Image Unique ID e6060000
wm5: Ethernet address 00:25:90:5d:64:a5
wm5: Copper
igphy5 at wm5 phy 1: i82566 10/100/1000 media interface, rev. 1
igphy5: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
ahcisata0 at pci0 dev 17 function 0: vendor 0x1002 product 0x4394 (rev. 0x00)
ahcisata0: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 22
ahcisata0: 64-bit DMA
ahcisata0: AHCI revision 1.10, 6 ports, 32 slots, CAP 0xf722ff85<CCCS,PSC,SSC,PMD,SPM,ISS=0x2=Gen2,SCLO,SAL,SALP,SMPS,SSNTF,SNCQ,S64A>
atabus0 at ahcisata0 channel 0
atabus1 at ahcisata0 channel 1
atabus2 at ahcisata0 channel 2
atabus3 at ahcisata0 channel 3
atabus4 at ahcisata0 channel 4
atabus5 at ahcisata0 channel 5
ohci0 at pci0 dev 18 function 0: vendor 0x1002 product 0x4397 (rev. 0x00)
ohci0: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 16
ohci0: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb0 at ohci0: USB revision 1.0
ohci1 at pci0 dev 18 function 1: vendor 0x1002 product 0x4398 (rev. 0x00)
ohci1: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 16
ohci1: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb1 at ohci1: USB revision 1.0
ehci0 at pci0 dev 18 function 2: vendor 0x1002 product 0x4396 (rev. 0x00)
ehci0: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 17
ehci0: dropped intr workaround enabled
ehci0: BIOS has given up ownership
ehci0: EHCI version 1.0
ehci0: companion controllers, 3 ports each: ohci0 ohci1
usb2 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
ohci2 at pci0 dev 19 function 0: vendor 0x1002 product 0x4397 (rev. 0x00)
ohci2: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 18
ohci2: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb3 at ohci2: USB revision 1.0
ohci3 at pci0 dev 19 function 1: vendor 0x1002 product 0x4398 (rev. 0x00)
ohci3: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 18
ohci3: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb4 at ohci3: USB revision 1.0
ehci1 at pci0 dev 19 function 2: vendor 0x1002 product 0x4396 (rev. 0x00)
ehci1: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 19
ehci1: dropped intr workaround enabled
ehci1: BIOS has given up ownership
ehci1: EHCI version 1.0
ehci1: companion controllers, 3 ports each: ohci2 ohci3
usb5 at ehci1: USB revision 2.0
piixpm0 at pci0 dev 20 function 0: vendor 0x1002 product 0x4385 (rev. 0x3d)
piixpm0: interrupting at SMI, polling
iic0 at piixpm0: I2C bus
pcib0 at pci0 dev 20 function 3: vendor 0x1002 product 0x439d (rev. 0x00)
ppb5 at pci0 dev 20 function 4: vendor 0x1002 product 0x4384 (rev. 0x00)
pci6 at ppb5 bus 1
pci6: i/o space, memory space enabled
vga0 at pci6 dev 4 function 0: vendor 0x102b product 0x0532 (rev. 0x0a)
wsdisplay0 at vga0 kbdmux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation), using wskbd0
wsmux1: connecting to wsdisplay0
drm at vga0 not configured
ohci4 at pci0 dev 20 function 5: vendor 0x1002 product 0x4399 (rev. 0x00)
ohci4: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 18
ohci4: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
usb6 at ohci4: USB revision 1.0
pchb1 at pci0 dev 24 function 0: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1600 (rev. 0x00)
pchb2 at pci0 dev 24 function 1: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1601 (rev. 0x00)
pchb3 at pci0 dev 24 function 2: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1602 (rev. 0x00)
amdnb_misc0 at pci0 dev 24 function 3: AMD NB Misc Configuration
amdtemp0 at amdnb_misc0: AMD CPU Temperature Sensors (Family15h)
pchb4 at pci0 dev 24 function 4: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1604 (rev. 0x00)
pchb5 at pci0 dev 24 function 5: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1605 (rev. 0x00)
pchb6 at pci0 dev 25 function 0: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1600 (rev. 0x00)
pchb7 at pci0 dev 25 function 1: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1601 (rev. 0x00)
pchb8 at pci0 dev 25 function 2: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1602 (rev. 0x00)
amdnb_misc1 at pci0 dev 25 function 3: AMD NB Misc Configuration
amdtemp1 at amdnb_misc1: AMD CPU Temperature Sensors (Family15h)
pchb9 at pci0 dev 25 function 4: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1604 (rev. 0x00)
pchb10 at pci0 dev 25 function 5: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1605 (rev. 0x00)
pchb11 at pci0 dev 26 function 0: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1600 (rev. 0x00)
pchb12 at pci0 dev 26 function 1: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1601 (rev. 0x00)
pchb13 at pci0 dev 26 function 2: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1602 (rev. 0x00)
amdnb_misc2 at pci0 dev 26 function 3: AMD NB Misc Configuration
amdtemp2 at amdnb_misc2: AMD CPU Temperature Sensors (Family15h)
pchb14 at pci0 dev 26 function 4: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1604 (rev. 0x00)
pchb15 at pci0 dev 26 function 5: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1605 (rev. 0x00)
pchb16 at pci0 dev 27 function 0: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1600 (rev. 0x00)
pchb17 at pci0 dev 27 function 1: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1601 (rev. 0x00)
pchb18 at pci0 dev 27 function 2: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1602 (rev. 0x00)
amdnb_misc3 at pci0 dev 27 function 3: AMD NB Misc Configuration
amdtemp3 at amdnb_misc3: AMD CPU Temperature Sensors (Family15h)
pchb19 at pci0 dev 27 function 4: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1604 (rev. 0x00)
pchb20 at pci0 dev 27 function 5: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1605 (rev. 0x00)
pchb21 at pci0 dev 28 function 0: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1600 (rev. 0x00)
pchb22 at pci0 dev 28 function 1: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1601 (rev. 0x00)
pchb23 at pci0 dev 28 function 2: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1602 (rev. 0x00)
amdnb_misc4 at pci0 dev 28 function 3: AMD NB Misc Configuration
amdtemp4 at amdnb_misc4: AMD CPU Temperature Sensors (Family15h)
pchb24 at pci0 dev 28 function 4: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1604 (rev. 0x00)
pchb25 at pci0 dev 28 function 5: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1605 (rev. 0x00)
pchb26 at pci0 dev 29 function 0: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1600 (rev. 0x00)
pchb27 at pci0 dev 29 function 1: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1601 (rev. 0x00)
pchb28 at pci0 dev 29 function 2: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1602 (rev. 0x00)
amdnb_misc5 at pci0 dev 29 function 3: AMD NB Misc Configuration
amdtemp5 at amdnb_misc5: AMD CPU Temperature Sensors (Family15h)
pchb29 at pci0 dev 29 function 4: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1604 (rev. 0x00)
pchb30 at pci0 dev 29 function 5: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1605 (rev. 0x00)
pchb31 at pci0 dev 30 function 0: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1600 (rev. 0x00)
pchb32 at pci0 dev 30 function 1: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1601 (rev. 0x00)
pchb33 at pci0 dev 30 function 2: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1602 (rev. 0x00)
amdnb_misc6 at pci0 dev 30 function 3: AMD NB Misc Configuration
amdtemp6 at amdnb_misc6: AMD CPU Temperature Sensors (Family15h)
pchb34 at pci0 dev 30 function 4: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1604 (rev. 0x00)
pchb35 at pci0 dev 30 function 5: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1605 (rev. 0x00)
pchb36 at pci0 dev 31 function 0: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1600 (rev. 0x00)
pchb37 at pci0 dev 31 function 1: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1601 (rev. 0x00)
pchb38 at pci0 dev 31 function 2: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1602 (rev. 0x00)
amdnb_misc7 at pci0 dev 31 function 3: AMD NB Misc Configuration
amdtemp7 at amdnb_misc7: AMD CPU Temperature Sensors (Family15h)
pchb39 at pci0 dev 31 function 4: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1604 (rev. 0x00)
pchb40 at pci0 dev 31 function 5: vendor 0x1022 product 0x1605 (rev. 0x00)
isa0 at pcib0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4: ns16550a, working fifo
com1 at isa0 port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3: ns16550a, working fifo
acpicpu0 at cpu0: ACPI CPU
acpicpu0: C1: HLT, lat   0 us, pow     0 mW
acpicpu0: C2: I/O, lat 100 us, pow     0 mW
acpicpu0: P0: FFH, lat   5 us, pow  5925 mW, 2500 MHz
acpicpu0: P1: FFH, lat   5 us, pow  5460 mW, 2300 MHz
acpicpu0: P2: FFH, lat   5 us, pow  4593 mW, 2000 MHz
acpicpu0: P3: FFH, lat   5 us, pow  3780 mW, 1700 MHz
acpicpu0: P4: FFH, lat   5 us, pow  3018 mW, 1400 MHz
acpicpu0: T0: I/O, lat   1 us, pow     0 mW, 100 %
acpicpu0: T1: I/O, lat   1 us, pow     0 mW,  88 %
acpicpu0: T2: I/O, lat   1 us, pow     0 mW,  76 %
acpicpu0: T3: I/O, lat   1 us, pow     0 mW,  64 %
acpicpu0: T4: I/O, lat   1 us, pow     0 mW,  52 %
acpicpu0: T5: I/O, lat   1 us, pow     0 mW,  40 %
acpicpu0: T6: I/O, lat   1 us, pow     0 mW,  28 %
acpicpu0: T7: I/O, lat   1 us, pow     0 mW,  16 %
acpicpu1 at cpu1: ACPI CPU
acpicpu2 at cpu2: ACPI CPU
acpicpu3 at cpu3: ACPI CPU
acpicpu4 at cpu4: ACPI CPU
acpicpu5 at cpu5: ACPI CPU
acpicpu6 at cpu6: ACPI CPU
acpicpu7 at cpu7: ACPI CPU
acpicpu8 at cpu8: ACPI CPU
acpicpu9 at cpu9: ACPI CPU
acpicpu10 at cpu10: ACPI CPU
acpicpu11 at cpu11: ACPI CPU
acpicpu12 at cpu12: ACPI CPU
acpicpu13 at cpu13: ACPI CPU
acpicpu14 at cpu14: ACPI CPU
acpicpu15 at cpu15: ACPI CPU
acpicpu16 at cpu16: ACPI CPU
acpicpu17 at cpu17: ACPI CPU
acpicpu18 at cpu18: ACPI CPU
acpicpu19 at cpu19: ACPI CPU
acpicpu20 at cpu20: ACPI CPU
acpicpu21 at cpu21: ACPI CPU
acpicpu22 at cpu22: ACPI CPU
acpicpu23 at cpu23: ACPI CPU
acpicpu24 at cpu24: ACPI CPU
acpicpu25 at cpu25: ACPI CPU
acpicpu26 at cpu26: ACPI CPU
acpicpu27 at cpu27: ACPI CPU
acpicpu28 at cpu28: ACPI CPU
acpicpu29 at cpu29: ACPI CPU
acpicpu30 at cpu30: ACPI CPU
acpicpu31 at cpu31: ACPI CPU
acpicpu32 at cpu32: ACPI CPU
acpicpu33 at cpu33: ACPI CPU
acpicpu34 at cpu34: ACPI CPU
acpicpu35 at cpu35: ACPI CPU
acpicpu36 at cpu36: ACPI CPU
acpicpu37 at cpu37: ACPI CPU
acpicpu38 at cpu38: ACPI CPU
acpicpu39 at cpu39: ACPI CPU
acpicpu40 at cpu40: ACPI CPU
acpicpu41 at cpu41: ACPI CPU
acpicpu42 at cpu42: ACPI CPU
acpicpu43 at cpu43: ACPI CPU
acpicpu44 at cpu44: ACPI CPU
acpicpu45 at cpu45: ACPI CPU
acpicpu46 at cpu46: ACPI CPU
acpicpu47 at cpu47: ACPI CPU
acpicpu48 at cpu48: ACPI CPU
acpicpu49 at cpu49: ACPI CPU
acpicpu50 at cpu50: ACPI CPU
acpicpu51 at cpu51: ACPI CPU
acpicpu52 at cpu52: ACPI CPU
acpicpu53 at cpu53: ACPI CPU
acpicpu54 at cpu54: ACPI CPU
acpicpu55 at cpu55: ACPI CPU
acpicpu56 at cpu56: ACPI CPU
acpicpu57 at cpu57: ACPI CPU
acpicpu58 at cpu58: ACPI CPU
acpicpu59 at cpu59: ACPI CPU
acpicpu60 at cpu60: ACPI CPU
acpicpu61 at cpu61: ACPI CPU
acpicpu62 at cpu62: ACPI CPU
acpicpu63 at cpu63: ACPI CPU
timecounter: Timecounter "clockinterrupt" frequency 100 Hz quality 0
ERROR: 6870 cycle TSC drift observed
uhub0 at usb5: vendor 0x1002 EHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 6 ports with 6 removable, self powered
uhub1 at usb0: vendor 0x1002 OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub1: 3 ports with 3 removable, self powered
uhub2 at usb2: vendor 0x1002 EHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub2: 6 ports with 6 removable, self powered
uhub3 at usb6: vendor 0x1002 OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub3: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhub4 at usb1: vendor 0x1002 OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub4: 3 ports with 3 removable, self powered
uhub5 at usb4: vendor 0x1002 OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub5: 3 ports with 3 removable, self powered
uhub6 at usb3: vendor 0x1002 OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub6: 3 ports with 3 removable, self powered
ahcisata0 port 2: device present, speed: 3.0Gb/s
ahcisata0 port 1: device present, speed: 3.0Gb/s
ahcisata0 port 0: device present, speed: 3.0Gb/s
IPsec: Initialized Security Association Processing.
wd0 at atabus0 drive 0
wd0: <HGST HUS726040ALA610>
wd0: drive supports 16-sector PIO transfers, LBA48 addressing
wd0: 3726 GB, 7752021 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 7814037168 sectors
wd0: GPT GUID: 8f1dc324-a5ad-4530-936c-82385464bded
dk0 at wd0: c250d917-1214-41e7-98a4-b8e332e69e17
dk0: 209715200 blocks at 80, type: raidframe
dk1 at wd0: swap0
dk1: 8388608 blocks at 209715280, type: swap
dk2 at wd0: toy0
dk2: 7595933247 blocks at 218103888, type: raidframe
wd0: drive supports PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 6 (Ultra/133)
wd0(ahcisata0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 6 (Ultra/133) (using DMA)
wd1 at atabus1 drive 0
wd1: <HGST HUS726040ALA610>
wd1: drive supports 16-sector PIO transfers, LBA48 addressing
wd1: 3726 GB, 7752021 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 7814037168 sectors
wd1: GPT GUID: adf5e3d6-ac77-4afe-9af0-e505aee1ce8e
dk3 at wd1: 0feee6d0-1f3f-476b-ac24-3df5884aa4f6
dk3: 209715200 blocks at 80, type: raidframe
dk4 at wd1: swap1
dk4: 8388608 blocks at 209715280, type: swap
dk5 at wd1: toy1
dk5: 7595933247 blocks at 218103888, type: raidframe
wd1: drive supports PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 6 (Ultra/133)
wd1(ahcisata0:1:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 6 (Ultra/133) (using DMA)
wd2 at atabus2 drive 0
wd2: <HGST HUS726040ALA610>
wd2: drive supports 16-sector PIO transfers, LBA48 addressing
wd2: 3726 GB, 7752021 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 7814037168 sectors
wd2: GPT GUID: 2dbe3777-5578-4074-af6e-f24a6264f218
wd2: drive supports PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 6 (Ultra/133)
wd2(ahcisata0:2:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 6 (Ultra/133) (using DMA)
uhidev0 at uhub3 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0
uhidev0: American Megatrends Inc. Virtual Keyboard and Mouse, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2, iclass 3/1
ukbd0 at uhidev0
wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
uhidev1 at uhub3 port 1 configuration 1 interface 1
uhidev1: American Megatrends Inc. Virtual Keyboard and Mouse, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2, iclass 3/1
ums0 at uhidev1: 3 buttons
wsmouse1 at ums0 mux 0
Kernelized RAIDframe activated
pad0: outputs: 44100Hz, 16-bit, stereo
audio0 at pad0: half duplex, playback, capture
raid0: RAID Level 1
raid0: Components: /dev/dk0 /dev/dk3
raid0: Total Sectors: 209715072 (102399 MB)
raid1: RAID Level 1
raid1: Components: /dev/dk2 /dev/dk5
raid1: Total Sectors: 7595933056 (3708951 MB)
raid1: GPT GUID: 4e43aca2-1822-408c-9969-5e8992387742
dk6 at raid1: toydisk0
dk6: 7595932989 blocks at 34, type: ffs
boot device: raid0
root on raid0a dumps on raid0b
root file system type: ffs
warning: no /dev/console
wsdisplay0: screen 1 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 2 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 3 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 4 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
ipmi0: version 2.0 interface KCS iobase 0xca2/2 spacing 1

ヒャッハー! カーネルをロードしてからメモリとCPUをProbeするまで めっちゃ時間かかる。そしてもはや top -1 すると CPU 並びだけで仮想端末が上下収め切れない。

HDDは控えめに4TB×3にして、うち、2台をミラー、1台をスペアで構築。 あそうそう、4TBディスクしかないから標準のインストーラじゃだめ。 インストールCDでシェルを起動してそこで全部手作業でインストール(参考)。

df -htffs
Filesystem         Size       Used      Avail %Cap Mounted on
/dev/raid0a        3.9G       206M       3.5G   5% /
/dev/raid0e        3.9G        28M       3.7G   0% /var
/dev/raid0f         19G       4.7G        14G  25% /usr
/dev/raid0g         70G       348M        66G   0% /usr/local
/dev/dk6           3.5T        12G       3.3T   0% /opt

dk6 の /opt は「wd0とwd1の先頭100GB以外の残りをRAID1にした /dev/raid1 から gpt+dkctl して作ったdk6」というかなりスタックされた 構成だが無事使えている。なんとなしに流れを書くとこう。

gpt create wd0
gpt create wd1
gpt add -i 1 -b 80 -s 209715200 -t raid wd0	# 100GB
gpt add -i 1 -b 80 -s 209715200 -t raid wd1	# 100GB
dkctl wd0 addwedge wd0root 80 209715200 raidframe
dkctl wd1 addwedge wd0root 80 209715200 raidframe
: これでできた dk0 と dk1 にてraid0 を構築して
: システムをいれる。
: eg: 
: raidctl -C raid0.conf raid0
: raidctl -I 2016083100 raid0
: raidctl -A softroot raid0
: newfs -O 2 /dev/rraid0a
: newfs -O 2 /dev/rraid0e
: newfs -O 2 /dev/rraid0f
: mount -o log,noatime /dev/raid0a /mnt && mkdir /mnt/usr /mnt/var
: mount -o log,noatime /dev/raid0e /mnt/var
: mount -o log,noatime /dev/raid0f /mnt/usr
: cd /amd64/binary/sets
: for f in *tgz; do
:   tar zxpfC - /mnt $f
: done
: vi /mnt/etc/fstab
: gzip -dc kernel-GENERIC.gz > /mnt/netbsd
: cp /usr/mdec/boot /mnt
: gpt biosboot -i 1 wd0
: gpt biosboot -i 1 wd1
: installboot -v /dev/rdk0 /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv2
: installboot -v /dev/rdk1 /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv2
:続いて swap
gpt add -s 8388608 -l swap0 -t swap wd0 # 4GB
gpt add -s 8388608 -l swap1 -t swap wd1 # 4GB
: これで /etc/fstab に
: NAME=swap0 none swap sw
: NAME=swap1 none swap sw
: と書ける。
: 続いてraid1にデータ領域を作る。まず gpt show で空き領域を見る。
gpt show wd0
: 空きが 7595933247 だとするとこう。
gpt add -s 7595933247 -t raid wd0
gpt add -s 7595933247 -t raid wd1
dkctl wd0 addwedge data0 218103888 7595933247 raidframe
dkctl wd1 addwedge data1 218103888 7595933247 raidframe
: これでできた dk2 と dk3 でraid1を構築する。
: raidctl -C raid1.conf raid1
: raidctl -I 2016083101 raid1
: raidctl -A yes raid1
: ただ、raid1は3.5TB(>2TB)なのでfdisk+disklabel使えない。
: なので、gpt+dkctlする。
gpt create raid1
gpt add -i 1 -t ffs -l opt raid1
dkctl raid1 addwedge opt 34 7595932989 raid1
: これを目一杯newfsする。
newfs -O 2 /dev/dk6
: gpt に opt とラベルをつけておいたのでこれでfstabに書ける。
echo "NAME=opt /opt ffs rw,log" >> /etc/fstab


/dev/raid0a             /               ffs     rw      1 1
NAME=swap0              none            swap    sw
NAME=swap1              none            swap    sw
/dev/raid0e             /var            ffs     rw,log  1 2
/dev/raid0f             /usr            ffs     rw,log  1 3
/dev/raid0g             /usr/local      ffs     rw,log  1 4
NAME=opt                /opt            ffs     rw,log

/dev/dk* をfstabに書くと番号がずれちゃうかもしれないからちうい。

pkgsrc/sysutils/xenkernel46 のインストールでこけてしまったので 今、./ -j40 build 中。まだ先は長い。またあした。
